Aug 7, 2009 13:47:16 GMT 9
Post by dude on Aug 7, 2009 13:47:16 GMT 9
I'll bet there's some strange but true stories to be told about in flight emergencies (IFEs). Here's one that never should have happened. As I recall the pilot was a Capt Buddinger. I was working swing shift. It was well past dark and we were waiting to recover a Six coming up from our Det at Homestead Fla. At some point we were notified that the pilot had delcared an IFE on approach because his nose gear wouldn't come down. So they foamed the runway and he brought her in nice and smooth. Held the nose up until he could lay it down in the foam. Then proceeded to smoothly pass through and out of it. That's when the sparks started to fly. Hey it was the Carter years and foam was expensive! They put the plane in the hangar on jacks and when I peered inside the nose wheel well I saw the entire nose gear hung up on just three strands of 22 gauge wire that formed part of the wire bundle going to the CADC. Looking close one could see that it cut about 6 or 8 wires before the last three stopped it. So what caused it? While at the Det, the CADC was changed. To do that you first had to remove a clamp and then drop the wire bundle leading to the computer. This was done, but unfortunately when he reinstalled the clamp, the technician reversed it. As a result, instead of being held up and back out of the way, the bundle was pushed forward and down, which was right in the swing path of the gear. Bummer for both the plane and the tech, who received an Article 15 for his carelessness. :nono
Aug 7, 2009 16:30:04 GMT 9
Post by daoleguy A.J. Hoehn (deceased) on Aug 7, 2009 16:30:04 GMT 9
Just a question, did CADC mean the Central Air Data Compter? If so it was not in the nose wheel well unless they moved it post 70's. Curious.
Aug 7, 2009 21:00:22 GMT 9
Post by dude on Aug 7, 2009 21:00:22 GMT 9
Just a question, did CADC mean the Central Air Data Compter? If so it was not in the nose wheel well unless they moved it post 70's. Curious. AJ Yep. If I remember correctly I think its designator was the CPU-111. Facing forward in the wheel well it was on the left hand side forward of center and the wire bundle ran along the "ledge" back towards the rear of the plane. I know it was there from '73 on, which is when I started out on the Six. Don't know before that. As a side note, a few years back I put together a model kit of the F-106. Don't remember who made it and it has long since gone down in flames to my son's BB gun. ;D But I do remember how impressed I was with the detail which actually showed the unit and the wire bundle in the wheel well.
Aug 8, 2009 2:08:58 GMT 9
Post by daoleguy A.J. Hoehn (deceased) on Aug 8, 2009 2:08:58 GMT 9
That's right. The CPU-111V was a mod made/started in 1971 late. I at first thought you meant the old 646 can in the 05 compartment.
Aug 8, 2009 11:40:54 GMT 9
Post by dude on Aug 8, 2009 11:40:54 GMT 9
Given a choice, I bet the pilot wished they had left it in the 05 compartment. Since you're from an earlier time, maybe you can answer one I was told about way back. I only know the computer configuration with the 856, 140, 857 and 541(??). I was told the original computer was a rack with drawers full of cards. Something like the radar rack. True? :scratch_head If so, was there software, or was it all firmware?
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Aug 11, 2009 6:14:28 GMT 9
Post by sixerviper on Aug 11, 2009 6:14:28 GMT 9
AJ--the 646 was mounted in the nose wheel well on the right side and the 420 unit was mounted on the left side. The CPU-111 replaced the 320, 420, 646, and 721, and resided in the place the 420 unit used to live in. There was empty space where the 646 used to be after the mod in early 1971. As I recall the 320 and the 721 were mounted aft of the 420 on the left side. I do not recall any CADC units being installed at all in the 05 compartment. I do remember the 520 and 620 being there. I also do not recall having to move a wire bundle to get the CPU-111 in or out. Now, on a Thud, especially if it was a '59 or '60 model, replacing the CPU-111 was a whole different story!
Aug 11, 2009 6:54:04 GMT 9
Post by daoleguy A.J. Hoehn (deceased) on Aug 11, 2009 6:54:04 GMT 9
Sixviper, you may be right, but I swear in this old memory it was in the 05 compartment along with other instrument packs. Damn I wish I had a old -2-9 now.
Aug 11, 2009 9:31:25 GMT 9
Post by dude on Aug 11, 2009 9:31:25 GMT 9
[quote author=sixerviper board=trivia thread=1290 post=11017 I also do not recall having to move a wire bundle to get the CPU-111 in or out. [/quote] As I remember the bundle diameter was about the size of a closed fist and it was standard practice to drop the bundle (one clamp) before you pulled the unit. Might have been a squadron thing. It was probably possible to pull the CPU out over the top of the bundle. But you probably would need someone to pull down on the bundle while you removed it. Otherwise you'd run the risk of snagging/cutting wires with the CPU, which would really mess of your day. No takers on the computer rack question??
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Aug 11, 2009 12:01:46 GMT 9
Post by marv2 on Aug 11, 2009 12:01:46 GMT 9
At Minot while I was there 74 - 78, 79 - 80, and 81 until the 6's left we didn't pull off any clamps. We had the wire bundle wrapped in the clear wrap that was thick and about 1 inch wide. Also had under that a thick brown covering that was placed on the top of the wire bundle. To removed unloosened the 2 kneral nuts and dropped them down, undid the 8 cannon plugs, worst one was the AOA input, it wasn't a quick disconnect. Anyhow after all that a pitot line and a static line to remove after it was able to be slid back a far as possible and out it came over the top of the wire bundle, rear end out first. If I remember correctly there was a clamp at the front end of the mount, that is where the wrapping began. I guess I must have pulled my share in that time to remember how to do it. :-)
Aug 12, 2009 8:22:07 GMT 9
Post by dude on Aug 12, 2009 8:22:07 GMT 9
. I guess the real point is he (the tech) did and got burned for it.