Post by dude on May 9, 2009 12:08:10 GMT 9
Ever stop and consider the alphabet soup that formed the language of the squadron? Imagine four 106 troops sitting in a bar talking about the day. Anyone overhearing would have thought they were either drunk or from a different planet (or both). Here's a few examples. See if you can get them all and then add your own. 1. ADF 2. ADI 3. AFCS 4. AGC 5. AHRG 6. ATG 7. ATOT 8. AMI 9. AVVI 10. BARO 11. CADC 12. CADJ 13. CG 14. CSD 15. DL 16. EGT 17. EPR 18. HSI 19. KCAS 20. RAT 21. MCC 22. SCABU 23. SCRG 24. TRT 25. VI :fire_missle_ani
Post by Jeff Shannon on May 9, 2009 12:18:08 GMT 9
How about
Post by dude on May 10, 2009 12:53:55 GMT 9
ADF = Automatic Direction Finder ADI = Attitude Director Indicator AFCS = Automatic Flight Control System AGC = Automatic Gain Control AHRG = Attitude Heading Reference Group ATG = Air Turbine Generator ATOT = Angle Track On Target AMI = Airspeed Mach Indicator AVVI = Altitude Vertical Velocity Indicator BARO = Barometer CADC = Central Air Data Computer CADJ = Counter Angle Detection Jamming CG = Center of Gravity CSD = Constant Speed Drive DL = Data Link EGT = Exhaust Gas Temperature EPR = Engine Pressure Ratio HSI = Horizontal Situation Indicator KCAS = Knots Calibrated Airspeed RAT = Ram Air Turbine MCC = Modified Close Control SCABU = Signal Conditioning and Buffering Unit SCRG = Stable Coordinate Reference Group TRT = Turn Rate Transmitter VI = Visual Identification MLG = Main Landing Gear TCTO = Time Compliance Technical Order
Post by oswald on Aug 10, 2009 22:44:19 GMT 9
Just to make an addition to the list is RTM= rapid tune magnitron.
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Post by sixerviper on Aug 11, 2009 6:07:02 GMT 9
Add HSA to the list: Hot Section Analyzer--a glorified EGT system on the Six and the Thud.
While the Six was an alphabet soup, as were other jets, they all paled compared to the F-16. I bet it has 300 acronyms, if not more.
Post by jimpadgett on Aug 12, 2009 11:47:48 GMT 9
Any bubble chaser (pneudraulics puke) would add HEP, mule and HRP. Not to speak of donkey d*ck (bessler fitting). Got a good start on an acronym dictionary. Or a crazy process I saw used at 318th called HUM (hook up mule) and DeHUM. I better stop. No wonder nobody understood maintenance troops (of any aircraft) and thought we were nuts. How about TSD?
Post by oswald on Aug 19, 2009 0:19:33 GMT 9
ok. TSD= tactical situation display.
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Post by vff on Oct 19, 2009 20:30:10 GMT 9
Ya'll forgot the main one - SNAFU